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Data protection & Data protection Act


Data protection & Data protection Act

Data protection & Data protection Act

Data protection and privacy issues

If your computer system contains information about individuals, you have an ethical and legal responsibility to treat that information with respect. For example, if a police force's computer is used by unscrupulous persons to obtain unauthorized information about a person's private life, this would be a clear breach of trust. Similarly, doctors, government departments and credit agencies often hold large amounts of information about the general public, both sensitive and personal. In a free society you have the right to ensure that the information you hold is not misused. In many countries, this right is included under data protection laws.

Data Protection Act

Some countries have laws while others have data protection and privacy guidelines. Data protection laws can alter significantly between countries. There is currently no data protection law in Bangladesh except the Copyright Act, 2000, which covers commercial data. However, the government is actively moving towards introducing legislation for certain violations and crimes such as hacking, unauthorized access to computer systems, tampering with computer source documents, etc.

Data protection laws relating to those who hold data (data controllers).

★Personal information will be obtained fairly and lawfully.

★Personal data will be processed fairly and lawfully.

★Personal information will be held for specific and lawful purposes.

★The personal data held shall not be used or disclosed in any manner inconsistent with the purpose for which it was obtained, processed or stored.

★Personal data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive to the purpose for which it was obtained, processed or stored.

★Personal information must be accurate and kept up to date as necessary. Personal data should not be retained longer than the purpose for which it was obtained. where

★Appropriate security measures should be in place to prevent unauthorized access to personal data data held or processed by third-party computer bureaus.

Data Protection Act The persons about whom data is stored (data subjects)

★An individual has the right to know that a data user holds personal data about them.

★An individual has the right to access any personal information stored on a computer.

★An individual has the right to correct or delete any inaccurate information.


What are the 4 elements of data protection?

Protect against these threats by implementing the four pillars of data security; Assessment, governance, training, and feedback.

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