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What is the software? Example of the software application. What is an operating system? The difference between operating systems and app software.


What is the software? Example of the software application. What is an operating system? The difference between operating systems and app software.

What is the software? Example of the software application.
What is an operating system? The difference between operating systems and app software.


The software is a collection of instructions that work to the computer, for example, when you type indountains via the keyboard, the software is responsible for displaying the correct letter, on the correct placain screen. The software is placed on the computer's hard disk, CD-ROM, DVD or a disk (Fladisk) and is loaded from the disk to the computer's RAM (ie copied) when needed.

Operating system:

The operating system is a special type of program that is automatically loaded when you turn on your computer. The operating system allows you to use the advanced features of a modern computer without to bear all the details of how hardware works. There are different types of operating systems in general use. IBM PC (Personal Computer) was introduced in 1981 and was originally provided with an operating system called DOS operating system. This operating system was very basic and you need to be somewhat computer expert to understand how to use it. It was not user friendly. Later, Microsoft launched Windows and this is the operating system that is most commonly used on PC today. To make things more complicated, there are different types of windows Most people depend on Windows 7 or Windows 10.

Unix and Linux are other examples of the operating system that can be run on the PC.
Other types of computers, such as Apple, have a completely different operating system of computers.
Microsoft Windows: Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com

Example of the software application

An application program is the type of program that you use after the operating system loads include the Word-Processing Program (for Creation, Memo, etc.), spreadsheet (for accounting and working on numbers), database (large amount of data To organize)), Games programs and graphics programs (for creating pictures, ads, manuals, etc.

It is important that you can recognize examples of application programs that cover the following fields:

-Podate processing

- spreadsheet


- Office Productivity Training Suite



-Web browsing

-Editing the photo

-Computer games

Word Processing App
A word processing program (such as Microsoft Word) allows you to create letters, memo, etc., you can easily merge a list of names and addresses, mas, s mailers, individually addressed customers or customers.

Spreadsheet app
A spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) allows you to make a company income, spend and then calculate the balance. It enables you to estimate 'what if' is about how the company will be fair in the future and to predict how the price changes will affect the profit.

Database app
A database program (eg Microsoft Access) allows you to compile the data and then find this information to find out the information you need. For example, if you have a database of all the equipment in an office, you can simply create a report listed only on the top of a certain price.

Presentation app
A presentation program (such as Microsoft PowerPoint) allows you to create a professional look presentation, which can be printed directly on the slide to use an overhead projector. Alternatively, you can display your presentations directly on the computer screen or through computerized projectors.

E-mailing app
There are many email programs available. By name you use them to send and accept the remote. Microsoft Outlook is supplied in Microsoft Office.

Web browsing app
Applications used to view and interact the World Wide Web (WWW).

Google Chrome https://www.google.com/chrome/mozilla Firefox https://www.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/new/

Photo editing app
These programs allow you to edit digital photos. You can adjust items such as the brightness of the image, the identity and the color of the color. You can often remove errors due to red eye effects when you use flash. You can apply interesting special effects and filters to improve your photographs visually Examples include Photoshop from Adobe

Computer games
Computer games started as a general bat and ball game and today it has become a huge worldwide business. There are different types of games, from educational to educational. The graphical detailed layer on the screen is better every year There are many different formats available for games. Some games go on a standard computer when a dedicated console is needed for others such as Sony Playstation.

The difference between operating systems and app software
The operating system works closely with the hardware installed on your computer, explains the input via the mouse or keyboard and output data on the screen. Application programs Install on top of the operating system and effectively use the built in operating system. They are specific to a specific task. For example, Microsoft Word is designed as a word processing program, while Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program.

Accessibility options
There are several options for improving computer accessibility. This covers:

- Speech Recognition Software - Kathak (Screen Reader Software)

- Screen magnifier software-on-screen keyboard.

Additionally, many Web sites are now written to be compatible with software designed to increase accessibility.


What is software and examples?

In a computer system, the software is basically a set of instructions or commands that say what a computer should do. In other words, software is a computer program that provides a set of instructions to implement the user's orders and tell the computer what to do. Such as MS-Word, MS-Excel, PowerPoint etc.

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