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What is an operating system (OS)?Definition,Example,History and Functions


What is an operating system (OS)?Definition,Example,History and Functions

What is an operating system (OS)?Definition,Example,History and Functions

An operating system (OS) is the software that makes computer hardware work. While the hardware provides the 'raw computer power', the OS is responsible for making the computer power useful to the users as discussed in the previous chapter, the OST is the key component of the system software and therefore the MOS must be loaded and activated before we can achieve any other task.

The operating system provides an interface for users to communicate with the computer. It manages the utilization of hardware resources and enables proper execution of application programs. A Shore operating system is a computer's master control program.Main functions include:
★Manages the computer's CPU.
★User controls the input/output devices that provide the interface between the user and the computer.
★Manages the interaction of application programs with hardware and other software systems.
★Manages the storage and retrieval of information using storage devices such as disks.

Every computer, regardless of its size and application. It needs an operating system to make it functional and useful. Operating systems are usually pre-written by manufacturers and supplied with the hardware and are rarely built in-house due to their technical complexity. Many operating systems have been developed over the past few decades but popular among them are MS-DOS, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Unix and Linux.
In this chapter we will discuss in detail the various functions of operating systems, the different types of operating systems and their services and the types of user interfaces available.

★History Of Operating System

In the 1960s, multi-tasking operating systems were developed. These operating systems ensure resource utilization by allowing multiple tasks to be performed simultaneously. They allow multiple programs to be in memory at the same time. The central processing unit (CPU) performs multiple processes better at a single time and also manages the hardware devices connected to the computer. These operating systems use the concepts of spooling and time-sharing models to achieve multi-tasking functionality. Among the various operating systems developed in the 1960s were the Admiral system. Basic executive system. Input Output Control System and SABER (Semi-Automated Business Environment).

In the 1970s, a major breakthrough in operating system development was achieved with the introduction of Unix by AT&T Bell Labs. Unix supported a multi-user environment where multiple users could work on a computer system. The core functionality of UNIX resided in a kernel that was responsible for file, memory, and process management. Unix was also bundled with utility programs to perform specific tasks. Other operating systems introduced in the 1970s include DOS/VS, OS/VS, and OpenVMS.

In the 1980s, some key operating systems were developed, including MS-DOS, HP-UX, and Macintosh. MS-DOS was developed by Microsoft and can be installed on desktop personal computers (PCs), such as Intel 80x86 PCS. HP-UX was similar to Unix and was developed by Hewlett Packard. This operating system can be installed on HP PA RISC computer systems. Macintosh was developed by Apple Computer and could be installed on desktop PCs such as the Motorola 680x0. MS DOS and Macintosh became quite popular in the 1980s and are still in use today.

Several operating systems were developed in the 1990s, including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT. FreeBSD and OS 2. Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT were GUI based operating systems developed by Microsoft. FreeBSD was similar to Unix and was freely available. OS/2 was developed by IBM and can be installed on Intel/AMD Pentium and Intel 80x86 based computer systems. In the 1990s, powerful GUI-based operating systems and media revolutionized computing Fast processing device. The first decade of the 21st century saw the development of operating systems such as Mac OS X Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows ME and Windows XP. With the advent of the Internet, security has become the main focus of this era's operating systems.

Functions of the Operating System

The main function of an operating system is to manage computer system resources such as memory and files. The operating system resolves conflicts when two users or programs request the same resource at the same time. Hence, the operating system is also called the resource manager of the computer system. Currently used operating systems such as Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Linux also support networking which allows sharing of files and resources such as printers and scanners. Following are some important functions of an operating system:

Process Management:

It is the process running in a computer system
Process Management It manages the processes running on a computer system. A process is basically a program that is currently being run by a user on a computer system. For example, a word processor application program such as Microsoft Word runs as a process on a computer system.

• Memory Management:

It manages the memory resources of a computer system. A computer system has various memory resources including primary memory or random access memory (RAM) and secondary memory such as hard disks and compact disks (CD). All program bells are loaded into main memory before their execution. It is the operating system's job to determine how much memory should be allocated to each process.

•File Management :

It manages the files and directories of a computer system. A file can be defined as a collection of information or data stored in the memory of a computer system. Each file has a unique name associated with it. The organization of files and directories in a computer system is referred to as a file system. An operating system allows us to create, modify, store or delete files on our computer system.

• Device Management:

This function of the operating system deals with the management of peripheral devices such as printers, mice and keyboards connected to the computer system. An operating system communicates with hardware devices through specific device drivers. The primary function of an operating system is to manage input/output operations performed by end users.


What are the 5 examples of operating system?


What are the most common operating systems?

★Android OS.
★Microsoft Windows.
★Mac OS.
★Chrome OS.

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