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What is Computer virus? Infection Problem, Protection,Limitations of anti-virus


What is Computer virus? Infection Problem, Protection,Limitations of anti-virus

What is Computer virus? Infection Problem, Protection,Limitations of anti-virus

Computer virus

Viruses are small programs that hide on your disk (both diskettes and your hard disk). Unless you use virus detection software, it is activated the first time you know you have a virus. Different viruses activate in different ways. Caution: Virus can destroy all your data.

Computer virus infection problem

Viruses hide on a disk and when you access the disk (a diskette on a network or another hard disk) the virus program will start and infect your computer. The worst thing about a computer virus is that it can spread from one computer to another, either through the use of an infected disk or through a computer network. The Internet allows you to access files from all over the world, and you would never connect to the Internet without a virus-checking program installed on your computer. Keeping your virus monitoring software up to date is vital. Many anti-virus programs, such as Windows Security, allow you to update the program so that the program can check for recently discovered viruses.

Protection against computer virus infection

The safest way to use a computer is to not connect it to a local area network or the Internet This is called a 'stand-alone' computer, provided that you don't use a disk on that PC that has been used on another computer, this type of computer is virtually immune to any form of intrusion.
Unfortunately, it is the ability to connect to other computers, or indeed the Internet, that makes the modern computer so versatile and so useful.
Always make sure that all computers necessity an ID and password to access them. Make sure all relevant 'security patches' from Microsoft are applied Make sure the password is long enough, has a random mix of numbers and letters, and passwords are changed regularly.

There are many instances, where people have used passwords that are related to something personal, such as a partner's name, dog or cat's name, etc.If you have a system that requires many different passwords to access the system, security is often broken and computer users sometimes keep a list of these passwords.
Disc it beats the whole thing. If you forget your network access password, the network administrator will be able to provide you with a new password

What to do if you detect virus on your computer

Don't panic if you discover a virus on your computer. If your virus checker warns you about a virus, chances are it will catch the virus before it infects your computer and causes damage. For example, you can insert a disk into your computer and the virus checker will automatically scan the disk. If the disk contains a virus, a message will appear telling you that the disk is infected and it will automatically remove the virus. Another common method of transmission is through email.

If you work within a large company, you should have a company IT support group that will come and clean your computer of viruses. Make sure you are familiar with your company's policies regarding viruses.

Limitations of anti-virus software

Anti-virus software can only detect viruses (or types of viruses) that the software knows about. As such it is vital that you keep your anti-virus software up to date so that it can detect new viruses that are constantly appearing.


What is the first computer virus?

The creeper program, considered the first virus, was created in 1971 by Bob Thomas of BBN.

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